Don’t Be A Huntard


I’m writing this after playing WoW recently and watching one  member of our party pull some huntard actions that I’ve been guilty of . Yeah, I’ll own my own stuff. I have been a terrible huntard, but I’m getting over it. As most blogs I’ve read are geared to the upper levels of play I’m hoping that with reference to an expert in the hunter class someone may get something out of this lower level focus.

Last night we all seemed to have a case of altitis and decided to roll new toons. We rolled a hunter, a couple of priestesses, and a pally.  The hunter was using her belt knife on every baddie that got within melee range. 

 At levels 1-8 it’s pretty much cake, nothing comes back at you too much at that level.  Ok so far so good.  Enter   bigredkitty-baby-hunter-video-1 on which the first thing he teaches is that using your melee weapon is learning this class wrong.  The hunter class is a ranged attack class and BRK stresses learning the range of your  weapon and maximizing that range by maneuvering your toon to stay away while allowing auto shot to fire.  <no little ax, no belt knife, etc.>

At level 4 and on bigredkitty-baby-hunter-video-2 he teaches us Serpent Sting which causes  24 nature damage over 15 sec. or damage over time (DoT) and cannot be mitigated by armor < hoorah > The other nifty thing about this shot is it can be cast while moving.  Auto shot on the other hand can only be fired while standing still.  This gives us a better chance to flee melee range if under attack and keep our belt knife or other melee weapon sheathed. 

This episode is really comedy bigredkitty-baby-hunter-3 BRK just really does not like hunters that melee and he shows examples at the lowest levels and even a level 80 hunter doing the same thing. In BRK’s words “a travesty”.  But at this, level 6, Hunters Mark is acquired allowing for an increase to everyone’s ranged power and also allows the target to be tracked. Also, another instant cast is learned and that is Arcane Shot, so another damage over time (DoT) spell that can be fired on the run thus enabling the hunter to keep distance between self and prey or predator if you are on the defensive, lol. 

I love these movies, they pack so much information in such a small package and I want them to go on and on, but unfortunately  this  is the last one and starts at level 8 bigredkitty-baby-hunter-4 and discusses Concussive Shot, another instant cast which causes the target to be dazed and slows speed by 50% for 4 seconds.

Kiting and strafing are also stressed through out these videos which is the art of moving to the side by using the “e” or “q” keys thus allowing for movement while leading the target (kiting) to another location of your choosing.

Well, that’s all I got. I’ve learned a lot from these videos and I appreciate BRK for making them. Thanks for stopping by and come again soon. 

~ by catryalini on April 7, 2009.

2 Responses to “Don’t Be A Huntard”

  1. BRK stuff is definitely awesome!

    I find that Hunter is one of the easiest toons to play initially (ie: my father is 70 years old with a minimalistic gaming history and is on a 56k connection and has gotten his Hunter to 77), it’s one of the most difficult to truly Master.

    I use my Hunter as a skill-builder for sure, in a much different way than my Priest or Mage. It’s a lot of fun, and keeps the game interesting for quite a long time for me.

  2. 🙂 Good post.

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